Hey Society.

As days went by few of my friends asked me why I haven’t come up with a blog yet! The answer is that I wasn’t feeling anything worth writing. I don’t write my blogs just for the sake of writing but to genuinely share experiences that left me with an impact. So I am back here after sometime because I really wanted to vent out my feelings and this was the best way to get it out of me !

A few months earlier if someone had asked me “what would make you really happy? ” , my answer would have been becoming a good artist ! But then I started realising how much we underestimate the happiness we have right now. We are running behind so many things that we feel the day we reach there we are gonna be on top of the world and we’ll be really happy. But NO, we aren’t going to be! . However high we go up in life , we are going to be having constant ups and downs. That’s the way life and the universe is designed.

Realising that the small moments in our lives are the most special memories makes a huge difference in how we feel. Once you reach the destiny then there’s no excitement left, no more challenges ! That’s when we’ll realise that it isn’t in the destiny but in the journey towards it where we can really have memories and special moments.

The people around, called ‘the society’ , have a ‘way’ they think people must live and that that’s the only right thing to do! Some are so scared to do anything away from normal. People mostly in the same community tend to have the same perspective on life. These are the humans who’ll feel very comfortable around their people but they can’t make it alone without their people around. They need constant justification of acceptance to feel good about themselves. You never know if you are correct or wrong, or even if you are in the up or down in life! Just because you are accepted it doesn’t mean you are correct.

Getting out of our society and going to a new place is gonna teach us so much. We’ll start realising how different people live around the world. A few people in our ‘society’ judge us for everything ! They wouldn’t know the whole story and they’ll call us with names. They have a certain way that they think is the right way to live. There’s no correct or wrong way to live in this world. You live to make yourself happy because no one is ever gonna actually ask you if you are even happy. The world wants to ask us ‘what are you studying’ , ‘when are you going to have a child’, ‘why are you in the house always’, ‘why aren’t you there in the house at all’, ‘how many marks did you score’… For God’s sake, would any gentleman or lady ask , ‘are you happy in life, beta?’. They won’t because they don’t give a shit about it. If you are 25, you got to be in a job and be ready to get married or else you are a useless boy. If you are 25 and you are going behind a dream that someone hasn’t gone behind they tend to think you are a hopeless person. First thing they ask is ‘ how are you going to be that’ they don’t ask ‘ how can I help you be that’ !

If someone else feels your dream is something too much, it means it’s ‘too much’ for them! Not for you. They are normal people who want to do normal safe things in life. Don’t let people who are scared to even dream tell you that your dream is too much.

My friend, if you dream to be it , go behind it no matter what! If you believe in yourself that’s more than enough to take you above all others. Don’t let people who feel they are right just because they are accepted by the society, make you feel like you aren’t right. You know your way , believe me ! You know what you are capable of. Others don’t need to believe in it. Once you have hit your dream, the people who put you down will tell the world how they met you. That’s people.

Cherish the moments , look around , smile!

Shriman Adhith

3 thoughts on “Hey Society.

  1. Such wisdom, such insight, “society” doesn’t like what it doesn’t know (I think that’s the point you were trying to get across) however, if you can dream it then you can do it. Everyone should have that one person who encourages them to be themselves. Who will ask them about their dream and what they are going to do about it. How can they make their dream a reality, bouncing ideas off such a person is going to make us realise how incredibly possible our dream is and allow us to fly. Your words are strong, not least because you have “society” down to a T, but because; you know; those who failed to achieve anything in their life don’t want to see others succeed.

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